West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday addressed the state Assembly, emphasizing the need for communal harmony amid rising tensions over attacks on minorities in Bangladesh. She urged people in the state to avoid provocation and remain united in preserving peace.
Banerjee condemned a controversial statement by a leader of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) claiming that Bangladesh had "legitimate rights" over Bengal, Bihar, and Odisha. In a sharp rebuttal, she questioned, “Are we Indians going to sit and have lollipops when external forces try to occupy our lands?”
The Chief Minister stressed the importance of India's territorial integrity and warned against external provocations that could disturb the state's social fabric. “We are conscious and active enough to protect our country. But we also test patience because we’ve learned it from Rabindranath Tagore,” she said, urging citizens to stay calm and united.
Bengal’s Solidarity with Bangladesh Minorities
Banerjee highlighted West Bengal's collective protests against the persecution of minorities in Bangladesh, calling it the first state to take such a stand. She commended imams and other community leaders for publicly condemning the violence and expressing solidarity with affected groups.
“The same blood flows in the veins of Hindus and Muslims and all other communities. We must work together to ensure nothing aggravates the situation in Bengal,” she said.
The Chief Minister pointed out that over 200 attacks on Hindus have been reported in Bangladesh, sparking protests and subsequent crackdowns by authorities in the neighboring country. She urged people to act with restraint to avoid worsening the situation.
A Call for Responsible Media
Banerjee also criticized the media for spreading unverified or inflammatory content, urging them to prioritize the state’s welfare. “West Bengal is not Uttar Pradesh that we will ban your telecast. But act responsibly in the interest of West Bengal and its people. If trouble breaks out here, will it not affect you? Similarly, if the situation worsens in Bangladesh, it will affect our relatives and friends there,” she warned.
She emphasized that her government would follow the guidelines set by the Ministry of External Affairs while handling such issues.
Unity Above All
Banerjee concluded her address by reiterating her government’s commitment to peace and secularism. “Our sense of nationality, patriotism, and compassion must guide us. Let us enrich this soil and love it. If anyone tries to tear it apart, we must resist,” she said.
Her remarks come at a time of strained relations between India and Bangladesh, with communal tensions spilling over into both countries. In West Bengal, Banerjee has taken a firm stance to prevent any disruption, reaffirming her dedication to preserving unity and harmony.