Taking a refreshing shower or bath can set the tone for a great morning or provide a peaceful end to your evening. However, are you aware that there's a body area you might be cleansing incorrectly without even realizing it?
If you find that cleaning underarms feels particularly challenging, it's probable that you've been going about it the wrong way, as pointed out by a hygiene expert.
Mary Futher, also known as Madame Sweat on TikTok, is raising awareness about improper armpit hygiene. She emphasises that deodorant alone doesn't equate to cleanliness.
In a viral clip, viewed by 2.5 million people, she demonstrates the insufficiency of regular soap for armpit cleansing. Mary recommends using antibacterial soap that contains apple cider vinegar, salt, and charcoal. As per the expert, people should lather and scrub their underarms for 30 seconds.
Additionally, she advises thorough cleaning for those with underarm hair to effectively remove residual deodorant. Followers on TikTok seek Futher's soap recommendations, with some expressing concerns about potential skin sensitivity to antibacterial soap.
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