According to the new guidelines of ICMR, home-cooked meals can be unhealthy if prepared with high fat, sugar, or salt.
Foods that are high in fat and sugar contain a lot of calories and are low in micronutrients and fibre, which can lead to conditions like obesity.
As per the ICMR, high-fat or high-sugar foods cause inflammation and affect the gut microbiota, which changes quickly with diet and also increases the risk of hypertension and kidney disease.
The ICMR also urged people to read the information provided on the label to make healthier choices.
The researchers at the medical panel stated that when foods are high in fat and sugar, they contain a lot of calories that lead to conditions like obesity.
It also deprives one from taking healthy foods that provide essential macronutrients (amino acids and fats), fibre and micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and bio-active substances," according to the guidelines.
Lack of essential amino acids, fatty acids and micronutrients in the diet can cause conditions like anaemia (when body products less red blood cells), affect cognition (brain function), learning ability, and memory and increase the risk of noncommunicable diseases (such as type 2 diabetes and obesity).
High-fat or high-sugar foods cause inflammation and affect the gut microbiota, which changes quickly with diet. This increases the risk of NCDs. Foods with high salt increase the risk of hypertension and tax the kidneys. Hence, high salt intake is unhealthy," it stated.
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