Veteran actor Zeenat Aman recently took to social media to share about her 40-year-old eye injury, which has significantly affected her vision and has been diagnosed with a condition known as Ptosis, characterized by a drooping upper eyelid, leading to vision impairment and cosmetic concerns.
It might often lead to a partially obstructed field of vision in some cases. It can be caused by various factors, including muscle weakness, nerve damage, or congenital abnormalities, and may require surgical intervention for correction in severe cases.
Causes: Ptosis can be congenital, meaning a person is born with it, or it can develop later in life due to various factors. Common causes of acquired ptosis include ageing, injury, neurological conditions, or muscular problems that affect the eyelid's ability to stay lifted.
Symptoms: The primary symptom of ptosis is the noticeable drooping of the upper eyelid, which can obstruct the field of vision. People with ptosis may need to tilt their head backward or raise their eyebrows to see properly.
Cosmetic Concerns: In addition to affecting vision, ptosis can also have cosmetic implications, as the asymmetry in eyelid position can be aesthetically bothersome to some individuals.
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