There are two types of people in the morning. Those who are hungry as soon as they leave their bed and the others who can go on for hours without a single speck of food in their system.
Well, it is worrisome if you fall in the second category. Recently nutrition and wellness coach Marisa Hope shared about it on Instagram. She said that not having an appetite for hours upon waking is not a good thing. Most of the time it is a sign of increased stress level, imbalanced blood sugar and a sluggish liver. It is even worse for women who fast for hours in the morning.
Our liver can hold the stored glucose only for some time and needs other sources for fuel (food) for better metabolism and hormonal balance. According to her It’s okay to not feel hungry in the morning, but one must visit medical professional if this persists for longer.
Also watch: Having breakfast at this time can help you to lose weight!