Gen Z and zoomers are known to share a number of things about their life; be it relationship or work-life problems. The recent thing they are talking about is an otherwise 'hush-hush' topic in the work culture; that's salary.
Asking someone's salary has always been considered offensive but Gen Zs are breaking this long-held taboo and are openly calling out for transparency in salary.
Salary transparency became a trend when Hannah Williams, founder of Salary Transparent Street (a TikTok account with more than 850,000 followers) started asking people about what they do and how much they earn.
This topic also made headlines as California became the latest US state to require all employers with more than 15 staff to post a salary range for open positions, so that they can track data on how salaries differ according to gender, ethnicity and race.
This law was well appreciated by the Gen Z TikTokers and has led to the salary talk. Several social media users also posted their salaries and gave a heads up to people who are going to join for that particular position and how much should they ask for.
Well, now some are lauding this salary talk but some are disapproving it. Which side are you on?
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