In a significant milestone for Indian cricket, young prodigy Vaibhav Suryavanshi from Bihar made his first-class debut on January 5, becoming the fourth-youngest Indian to do so. Aged just 12 years and 284 days, Suryavanshi took to the field for Bihar in their Ranji Trophy 2023-24 encounter against Mumbai at Patna's Moin-ul-Haq Stadium.
Historically, Alimuddin holds the record as the youngest debutant in a recorded first-class match in India. He made his entry into first-class cricket in the 1942-43 season at only 12 years and 73 days old, playing for Rajputana against Baroda. Apart from Alimuddin, SK Bose and Mohammad Ramzan also debuted at an age younger than Suryavanshi.
In the 2023 Cooch Behar Trophy, Suryavanshi showcased his exceptional talent while playing for Bihar. He impressed everyone with a phenomenal innings of 151 runs off 128 balls, including 22 fours and three sixes, against Jharkhand. Furthermore, he added another significant contribution of 76 runs in the same match.
Suryavanshi's prowess was not limited to domestic games. He also made his mark in an international youth quadrangular series, which featured teams like India U19 A, India U19 B, England U19, and Bangladesh U19. During this tournament, he scored two fifties.
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