In a strange incident during the Delhi Capitals' IPL match against the Lucknow Super Giants, captain Rishabh Pant got into an argument with the onfield umpire over a wide call. The confusion arose in the fourth over of LSG's innings when Pant appeared to challenge an on-field wide call made by the umpire Yeshwant Barde.
The situation escalated when the third umpire was called to review the decision. Despite Pant’s apparent dissatisfaction, the review confirmed the original wide call. The incident led to an exchange between Pant and square leg umpire Rohan Pandit, sparking speculation among spectators and commentators about the nature of the disagreement.
Replays later clarified the sequence of events, showing Pant distinctly making the review gesture. While some speculated that Pant's review signal might have been made in jest, the formal review process was nonetheless triggered, leading to Delhi Capitals losing one of their allotted reviews for the innings.
The moment was met with mixed reactions. On one side, there was clear evidence that Pant had indeed signaled for a review. However, the captain's reaction suggested either a possible change of heart or confusion about the seriousness of his initial gesture.
Following the upheld decision, Pant appeared somewhat troubled by the outcome and had a long chat with umpire Rohan Pandit, who reminded him of the rules and how nothing could be done about the lost review.
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