The Realme 9i smartphone has been launched in India. The Realme 9i chipset is the Snapdragon 680 4G. Realme 9i specs include up to 6GB RAM, and up to 128GB storage, which is also expandable using the microSD card slot.
The Realme 9i display is a 6.6-inch FHD+ IPS LCD unit, with a 90Hz fast refresh rate. The Realme 9i also gets a 3.5mm jack and stereo speakers for audio. It comes with Realme UI 2.0, based on Android 11.
Realme 9i camera is a 50MP triple rear camera setup, and a 16MP front camera. Realme 9i battery capacity is 5,000mAh, with 33W fast charging support.
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Realme 9i price in India has been set at ₹13,999 for 4GB + 64GB. Is the Realme 9i the best phone you can buy under ₹15,000 right now? Watch our review to find out.