Pebble has launched a new smartwatch in India called Pebble Royale. Touted as the world’s slimmest Bluetooth calling smartwatch, the Royale combines a sleek and elegant design with advanced functionality.
The smartwatch features a round stainless steel dial with a mere 3mm frame and an incredibly thin 6mm body thickness.
The device houses a remarkable Super AMOLED 1.43” display that boasts features like Ultra Wide Color Gamut, Super Wide Viewing Angle, and always-on-display support, promising a visually stunning experience to its users.
Beyond its appealing aesthetics, the Pebble Royale is equipped with advanced BT calling features that enable users to make and receive calls using their voice, thanks to the built-in Voice Assistant.
Additionally, the smartwatch offers a suite of smart features, including alarm, calendar, calculator, as well as advanced health monitoring capabilities for sleep, heart rate, and SpO2.
For those with an active lifestyle, the Pebble Royale offers reassurance with its water and dust-resistant capabilities, certified by IP67.
Weighing a mere 40 grams, users can opt for strap options in either leather or magnetic, as well as choose from a range of stylish colour options such as Whiskey Brown, Pine Green, and Cobalt Blue, adding a personal touch to their device.
The Pebble Royale is exclusively available on, offering a special launch price of ₹4,299, presenting an attractive opportunity for tech enthusiasts and fashion-forward consumers alike.