Drama unfolds at Shin Hwa High as a girl clashes with Lee's character, the leader of the F4, in this cult-favourite K-drama.
Korean Emperor Lee Gon attempts to close doors to a parallel world opened by demons, while a detective protects her loved ones.
Ryo Saeba, a top-notch sweeper, delves into the dark underworld of modern-day Shinjuku, Tokyo.
A young couple from different backgrounds must navigate societal restrictions and norms upheld by wealthy families.
It follows Ling Ling, a Chinese tourist in Korea who falls for Min-ho, a talented and handsome music producer.
A mermaid named Se-hwa begins following a con man, Joon-jae, who initially assists her. As she adapts to the human world, she falls for him.
San and Yo, suspended Interpol officers, become wanted suspects after a terrorist bombing, hunted by rival bounty hunters.
Korean Emperor Lee Gon attempts to close doors to a parallel world opened by demons, while a detective protects her loved ones.