Ajay Bisaria, ex-Indian High Commissioner in Pak has released his new book 'Anger Management: The Troubled Diplomatic Relationship between Ind-Pak
The book is a study of diplomatic engagement between the 2 rival nations during his tenure between 2017-20 where he has made several revelations.
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Book claims that Khan’s govt was 'spooked' by India’s coercive diplomacy and consequently agreed to hand over wing commander Abhinandan Varthaman
Bisariya in his book said 'ISI tipped off India about al-Qaeda plot to carry out an attack in Kashmir in June 2019, which turned out to be genuine'
He also claimed that Art. 370's abrogation was one of the major reasons for Khan's ouster. He writes, 'As Pak army turned neutral, Khan floundered.
The 2001 Agra summit aimed at resolving issues between Ind-Pak, Bisariya said, failed due to Musharraf's insistence on linking all issues to Kashmir.