10 Tips to maintain your health on Christmas & NY 24

By Editorji News Desk
Published on | Dec 25, 2023

Eat, But With Care

Holidays are for indulging in a variety of food. However, make sure you practice mindful eating during the festive season!

Hydration Is Important

During the busy festive days we forget to drink enough water. This Christmas and New Year make sure you are well hydrated.

Do Not Miss Out On Workouts

Holiday seasons means indulging and overeating. Hence, it is important to maintain an exercise routine even during the festive days.


Holidays call for taking some time out for yourself. Do some yoga and meditate and help yourself rejuvenate this festive season.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleeping is important and more so during the holiday season. Maintain your bedtime routine and make sure to get proper sleep before your NY party.

Read Books

All the music and partying can get too much and this is why you need to spare some time, relax and enjoy reading a book.

Eat Before The Party Begins

To not indulge in overeating, make sure to have a small meal right before you leave for your Christmas or New Year party.

Include More Veggies

Christmas and New Year can be hard on your stomach and liver. Make sure to include more vegetables in your diet to help maintain a balance.

Small Bouts Of Exercise

If you do not have time for a full blown exercise routine, make sure to do small spurts of exercise throughout the day.

Have A Post-Holiday Plan

Once the holiday season is over, many feel depressed and lost. Make sure to have a plan on how to get back to your regular schedule.