Tofu vs paneer: Which is healthier?

By Editorji News Desk
Published on | Mar 05, 2024

Protein content

Both tofu and paneer are rich in protein. Paneer is a concentrated source of protein, while tofu, made from soybeans has slightly less protein content

Fat content

Paneer is higher in fat, particularly saturated fat, compared to tofu. Tofu is lower in saturated fat and often contains heart-healthy unsaturated fat

As Sources of Calcium

Paneer is an excellent source of calcium. Tofu also contains calcium, but the amount may vary depending on the processing method used to make it.

Iron content

Tofu contains iron, whereas paneer generally contains very little iron. Iron is essential for oxygen transport in the body and plays a role in energy


Paneer contains cholesterol since it's made from milk, while tofu is cholesterol-free since it's derived from soybeans.


Tofu is unsuitable for those who have allergies to soy and paneer, being a dairy product, may not be suitable for those who are lactose intolerant.

Which is healthier?

In terms of overall healthiness, both tofu and paneer can be part of a balanced diet. Choosing between the two depends on individual dietary choices.