The OnePlus 12 has been launched in India at a starting price of Rs 64,999. Before you decide to buy it, consider these OnePlus 12 pros and cons.
Featuring a 6.82-inch ProXDR LTPO AMOLED panel, the OnePlus 12 offers a vibrant, responsive, and exceptionally bright display (up to 4500 nits).
Upgrades in the camera department, including a new 50MP main sensor and enhanced periscope and ultrawide sensors, deliver good colour accuracy.
Powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset. Its efficient heat management system ensures the device remains comfortable to use even while heavy gaming.
OxygenOS 14 offers a clean, bloatware-free Android experience with added functionalities to boost productivity.
The inclusion of a larger battery contributes to the phone's bulkiness, making it one of the thicker and heavier options on the market.
Wireless charging returns on the OnePlus 12. However, to achieve the claimed 50W speed, you need to buy an AirVOOC wireless charger separately.