What is a sonar pulse & how can it hurt humans underwater?

By Editorji News Desk
Published on | Nov 21, 2023

Australian naval drivers injured

Australian naval drivers suffered minor injuries after a run-in with a Chinese warship. It was revealed that injuries were caused due to sonar pulses.

Australian government's response to the incident

Richard Marles, Australia's deputy prime minister said the Chinese vessel approached the Australian ship and turned on its sonar.

What is a sonar pulse?

They're sound emissions used in sonar equipment, bouncing off underwater objects & analysing echoes to map seabed, detect marine life, locate vessels

What kind of effect does it have on divers?

Exposure to naval sonar, detected as a mid-to-high pitch noise underwater, can lead to discomfort or impacts like dizziness & disorientation.

What does sonar do to marine animals?

Marine mammals can suffer hearing damage from noise, just like humans do. This might be temporary, like the ringing of ears or reduced sensitivity.