Imran Khan on Sunday announced that his party will resume the march to Islamabad from the same spot where he sustained bullet injuries during a rally in Punjab province, days after surviving an assassination attempt, for which he has blamed Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and two others.
The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief (PTI) who underwent surgery for bullet injuries on Thursday addressed a press conference from the Shaukat Khanum Hospital owned by his charitable organisation.
“We have decided that our march will resume on Tuesday from the same [point] in Wazirabad where I and 11 others were shot, and where Moazzam was martyred,” Khan said at a press conference from his hospital.
ALSO WATCH: Explained: Imran Khan’s long march to Islamabad
Khan, 70, suffered a bullet injury in the right leg when two gunmen fired a volley of bullets at him and others mounting on a container-mounted truck in the Wazirabad area, where he was leading the march.
PTI worker Moazzam Gondal died due to bullet injuries during the attack on Khan. The rally was suspended after the attack.
“I will address the march from here (in Lahore), and our march, within the next 10 to 14 days, depending on the speed, will reach Rawalpindi," Khan said.
The PTI chief said once the march reaches Rawalpindi, he would then join it and lead it himself.