The anti-terror operation in India’s Anantnag has ended after a week, with at least two confirmed terrorists killed in the gunfight. Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Uzair Khan, whose body has been recovered, was one of two terrorists killed in the operation.
Kashmir police officials that the body of another terrorist has been located, but is yet to be retrieved.
While the gunfight may have concluded, ADGP Vijay Kumar said the search operation will continue. Warning people against going to the area, Kumar said there may be “unexploded shells which will be recovered and destroyed.”
Four security personnel, including two army officers and a police officer, died in the operation.
The ADGP said security forces had reports that two to three terrorists were there, news agency PTI reported.
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"There is a possibility that the third dead body may be somewhere. It will be known after the search is complete," he said.
(With PTI inputs)