In a bizarre medical case, an Irish man suffered short-term memory loss after seuxal intercourse with his wife. The condition was diagnosed as Transient Global Amnesia, or TGA, in the Irish Medical Journal.
The patient in question suffered short-term amnesia just 10 minutes after sexual intercourse with his wife, according to analysis of the case in the medical journal. The amnesia came to light when the man checked his phone, saw the date, and became distressed that he had forgotten his wedding anniversary the day before. In fact, the man had celebrated the anniversary the previous evening.
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The man had a similar episode in 2015, that too after sexual intercourse. The article in the medical journal said, "The precipitation of TGA has been linked with several activities including physical activity, immersion in cold or hot water, emotional stress, pain and sexual intercourse."
It is a rare condition which usually affects people between ages of 50 and 70. Affected people usually regain their memories within a few hours. The patient in this case also regained his memories after some time.