Milk can gets stuck in polar bear's mouth, vets save him | Video

Updated : Jul 24, 2022 09:25

Russian vets helped save a polar bear after the animal got a can of condensed milk stuck in its mouth.

The distressed bear was spotted with the can in its mouth in country's northernmost settlement of Dikson, in the Krasnoyarsk region.

The Russian Natural Resources watchdog sent a group of veterinarians from Moscow to save the bear.

They managed to tranquilize the animal and remove the can.

Mikhail Alshinetsky, a veterinarian from Moscow Zoo that was part of the team that saved the bear, said the can had damaged the animal's tongue.

"It will most likely recover because the underlying muscles are not affected, the skin on the surface is damaged," Alshinetsky said.

For several days, the bear will remain under observation, then it will be taken to its natural habitat with a supply of fish.

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