Elon Musk has voiced support for Poornima Ramarao, the mother of Suchir Balaji, following her claims of foul play in her son’s death. Balaji, a former employee of OpenAI, was found dead in his San Francisco apartment.
Before his death, he had accused OpenAI of copyright violations, raising suspicions about the circumstances surrounding his passing.
The medical officer initially ruled Balaji’s death as suicide, and San Francisco police found no evidence of foul play in their investigation. However, his mother has publicly challenged this conclusion, calling for an FBI investigation.
In an X post, she revealed that a second autopsy conducted by a private investigator contradicted the police's ruling.
“Suchir’s apartment was ransacked, and there were signs of a struggle in the bathroom, suggesting he might have been attacked,” Ramarao stated. “Based on blood spots, it looks like he was hit in the bathroom. This was a cold-blooded murder, yet authorities have called it a suicide.”
Musk responded to Ramarao’s post, expressing his doubts: “This doesn’t seem like a suicide.”
Balaji had been outspoken about his growing skepticism toward artificial intelligence before his death. In a previous interview, his mother recalled how her son’s initial optimism about AI shifted as he became increasingly concerned about its potential harm to humanity.
Balaji had worked at OpenAI for nearly four years as an AI researcher before quitting, citing ethical concerns over the company’s practices.
In an October interview with The New York Times, he accused OpenAI of using copyrighted data without permission, claiming that technologies like ChatGPT were damaging to the internet. Balaji believed that the risks of AI outweighed its benefits, prompting his decision to leave the company.