Ukraine has said that it has been attacked through multiple borders shortly after Russian President announced military operations.
The Ukrainian state border service said on Thursday that the country has been attacked through Russia, Belarus and Crimea borders, CNN has reported.
The service said that the attack began at about 5:00 am, the borders of Ukraine in the area with the Russia and Belarus were attacked by Russian troops supported by Belarus soldiers.
It added that attacks are being carried out in Luhansk, Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Zhytomyr regions — areas on the eastern and northern borders of Ukraine.
Ukraine has claimed that the attacks are targeting border units, border patrols and checkpoints using artillery, heavy equipment and small arms.
Ukraine has also said that it has been attacked from the Crimea side as well. Russia had annexed Crimea, which was a part of Ukraine, in 2014.
Ukraine government said that its forces are firing back.