Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's comedy TV series is experiencing a worldwide surge in popularity, as he continues to defy Russia even after two weeks of bloodshed and violence.
Before becoming President, Zelenskyy had played the lead role in a show about a school teacher who accidentally becomes Ukraine's President after his rant against corrupt politicians goes viral. The popularity of the show, called 'Servant of The People', is believed to have powered Zelenskyy's real-life journey to the President's throne.
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Now, companies in many countries have reportedly bought rights to air the show amid concern and interest in Ukraine due to Russia's unrelenting military assault. Channel 4 in the UK, MBC in the Middle East, ANT 1 in Greece, PRO TV in Romania, and companies in Bulgaria, Moldova, Estonia, France, Finland, and Georgia have reportedly struck deals to air the series.