On April 6, the international luxury brand 'Chanel' banned the sale of goods to citizens who plan to use them in Russian territory. This incensed many Russian influencers and models, leading them to post videos of them cutting up their Chanel bags.
Many influencers claimed that they were asked to sign papers by the Parisian company to not use the sold goods in Russia and described the move as 'absolute Russophobia'.
Russian TV presenter Marina Ermoshkina posted the video of herself on Instagram in which can be seen cutting up the luxury bag with a gardening scissor. In her post she wrote 'Not a single bag, not a single thing is worth my love for my Motherland, it is not worth my respect for myself, I am against Russophobia, I am against a brand that supports Russophobia'.
Chanel also shut its boutiques in Russia, saying that it is just complying with the sanctions imposed on Russia in the wake of the war.
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