Jeff Bezos the world's richest man and founder of ecommerce giant Amazon is also a reviewer on the platform. . A report by Inc Magazine listed the six product reviews written by Amazon boss Jeff Bezos between 2000 and 2006. Amazon spokesperson confirmed to media outlets that it was indeed Jeff Bezos that had written the reviews.
So what are these 6 products that are special enough to get backing from Bezos?
- DVD of movie ‘Life is Beautiful’: The oldest review written by Jeff Bezos is for Academy Award-winning film 'Life is Beautiful. Bezos had posted this review on March 17, 2000. Giving five stars to the Italian film
- Canon 18x50 Image Stabilization All-Weather Binoculars got five stars from Bezos, he termed the binoculars the best he has ever used.
- ‘The Proving Ground: The Inside Story of the 1998 Sydney to Hobart Race’, got 5 stars as well from Bezos as he praised this non-fiction book as a must read.
- ‘Project Orion': The True Story of the Atomic Spaceship’: Reviewing the book about a spaceship propelled by nuclear bomb explosions Bezos gave it full rating, saying we pretty much *have* to read "Project Orion."
- Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom’: Continuing his trend for book reviews Amazon Chief highly recommended this book and backed it with quotes from Star Trek
- Tuscan Dairy Whole Vitamin D Milk: Breaking the book trend in 2006 Bezos wrote a short and rather odd review for the dairy products. I love milk so much that I've been drinking it since the day I was born. I don't think it was Tuscan though".