In a significant development, banks could get all Saturdays off and have a 5-day work week.
As per reports, having all saturdays off was a long-standing demand made by bank employee unions. This has now been accepted by India's Bank Association, and the body has forwarded the petition to The Ministry of Finance for approval.
If endorsed by the ministry then this action will bring about a significant transformation in the banking sector. Operations will be streamlined over five days, allowing employees to enjoy breaks on all saturdays as opposed to just two saturdays a month currently. To make up for the fewer working days, branch hours might be extended by an additional 45 minutes.
This isn't the first time the idea of a five-day work week for banks has been brought to the table. In March this year, the All India Bank Employees' Association outlined the potential implementation of the shortened workweek.
The Association further elaborated that the overall working hours could be augmented by 40 minutes daily, with cash transactions accommodated from 10 am to 4 pm and non-cash transactions stretching until 4:30 pm.
While prior discussions on adopting a five-day work week have occurred, concrete outcomes have remained elusive. However, with the recent acceptance of the proposal by the India Bank Association and its impending submission to the Ministry of Finance, the prospect of banks operating on a more employee-friendly schedule inches closer to reality.
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