Get ready to replace your credit card with your face! Mastercard has rolled out a pilot program which brings biometric payments to retail outlets.
Mastercard's Biometric Checkout Program would let a shopper scan their face using a retailer’s smartphone app and assign their likeness to a bank card stored on file.
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So how does it work, you will need to sign up on Mastercard, you take a picture of your face or scan your fingerprint to register it with an app. This is done either on your smartphone or at a payment terminal. You can then add a credit card, which gets linked to your biometric data.
In the long run, Mastercard’s vision is to make the tech “globally interoperable” Ajay Bhalla, Mastercard’s President of Cyber and Business Intelligence said. “So once you’ve stored your credentials, you could use this anywhere.”
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The program has already gone live in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Mastercard says it plans to roll it out globally later this year.