RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav's video, where he was seen having fish in the helicopter, sparked a controversy ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. A day later, he is back in the news and this time, he was relishing orange with former minister Mukesh Sahni in the helicopter in between a hectic election campaign.
Tejashwi Yadav shared a video on April 10. Yadav wrote in the text, 'Hello friends, there was an orange party in the helicopter today. They won't be irritated by the colour orange, right?'
By talking about the orange colour, Yadav was seen referencing the saffron colour which is associated with the BJP.
Sahni also said in the video, "We are having oranges today. The BJP will have issues with this too. They will find a religious angle in this too. Shouldn't we eat or drink at all? They say it's our bhagwa colour, bhai, it's not just yours, but ours too. If it's an edible item, we will eat it."
Yadav further said that the oranges were given to them by the public.
Also watch: BJP takes a dig at Tejashwi Yadav's fish feast during 'Navratri', RJD leader hits back