Ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, rumours emerged that Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt might fight the election. On April 8, the Munnabhai MBBS star took to X to clear the air.
Dutt said that he is not joining any party or contesting elections. He said that if he decided to step into the political arena, he will be the the first one to announce it.
He urged people to refrain from believing the rumours being circulated.
"I would like to put all rumours about me joining politics to rest. I am not joining any party or contesting elections. If I do decide to step into the political arena then I will be the first one to announce it. Please refrain from believing what is being circulated in the news about me as of now," wrote Sanjay Dutt on X.
It is noteworthy that Dutt was once associated with the Samajwadi Party. The actor's late father Sunil Dutt was a Congress MP.