Former Congress spokesperson Radhika Khera on May 6 alleged that the Congress party started hating her after she visited the Ram Mandir. She further said that the members of the grand old party even scolded her for sharing pictures and videos of Ram Mandir on her social media.
Giving a reply to Radhika Khera's allegation, Congress leader Supriya Shrinate dismissed the claims, saying that she also visited Ram Mandir along with other Congress party leaders like Avinash Pandey, Ajay Rai, Akhilesh Pratap Singh, Deepender Hooda, and Aradhana Mishra Mona.
Shrinate emphasised on the fact that Congress leader Ajay Rai is even contesting against Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Varanasi and no one from the party said anything to her or the other leaders who visited Ram Mandir.
She said that Deepender Hooda, who also went to Ram temple, is contesting from Haryana's Rohtak, which will go to polls on May 25.
Whereas, Congress’ Vikramaditya Singh and Nirmal Khatri were Ram the only party leaders who attended the Ram Mandir consecration ceremony. Vikramaditya Singh is the son of former Himachal CM Virbhadra Singh and is contesting against BJP's Kangana Ranaut in Mandi in the Lok Sabha elections.
Also watch: PM Modi calls Ram Mandir inauguration a 'spiritual moment' not a 'political event'