Actor Alia Bhatt attended the Gucci Cruise Show in Seoul on May 16 and pictures of her look from the event went viral in no time. She wore a little black dress that had silver detailing across the bodice. However, what caught everyone’s attention was her mini transparent bag which was empty.
The ‘Raazi’ actor was trolled by a section of the netizens questioning the bag’s purpose. Taking to Instagram Alia shut the trolls with an epic reply. Sharing a series of images from the Gucci event, she wrote, ‘yes the bag was empty.’
Alia Bhatt’s reply is winning the internet.
The actor was announced as the first Indian global ambassador of the luxury fashion brand Gucci. Sharing the news, the fashion brand wrote, ‘Alia Bhatt is the House’s newest Global Brand Ambassador. To mark the occasion, the actress, producer, and entrepreneur was captured with the Gucci Bamboo 1947 bag.’
On the work front, Alia Bhatt will be next seen in Karan Johar’s upcoming ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’ opposite Ranveer Singh. The film is scheduled to release in theatres on July 28.
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