Ananya Panday, who recently starred in ‘Liger’ opposite Vijay Deverakonda, is now all set to make her OTT debut with Dharamatic Entertainment, the digital wing of Dharma Productions, ‘Call Me Bae’. According to Peepingmoon report, the web series is directed by Collin D’Cunha and co-penned by Ishita Moitra, Samina Motlekar and Rohit Nair.
The actor will reportedly portray the role of fashionista who belongs to a rich family. The character gets involved in an obscene scandal, and post that she leaves her family. As a result, the character takes the way to self-discovery.
As per reports, the series has a stellar cast besides Ananya, though all the details are yet to be disclosed.
‘Call Me Bae’ will go on floors by the end of the year and is expected to release in 2023.
The actor has worked with Dharma Productions earlier too. She made her debut with Student of the Year 2 and post that she was seen in Gehraiyaan and Liger.
Ananya Panday will next be seen in ‘Dream Girl 2’ with Ayushmann Khurana. The teaser of the movie was recently unveiled. It is scheduled to release in theatres on June 29, 2023. She also has ‘Kho Gaaye Hum Kahan..’ in the pipeline.
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