Actor Ananya Panday took to social media to share the promo of her upcoming Prime Video series ‘Call Me Bae’. The promo shows banter between her and Varun Dhawan over fashion and clothes. Ananya plays a fashion expert who is seen channeling her inner Meryl Streep from ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ and roasting Varun about his boxer.
Share the first glimpse of the show, the streaming platform wrote, ‘pakki khabar hai guys, (It's confirmed news) @ananyapanday is the new fashionista in the primeverse! watch this first glimpse and stay tuned #CallMeBae New Series, Now Filming! #PrimeBae.’
Fans were quick to react to the video and many loved the cute banter between Ananya and Varun. Ananya’s mother Bhavana Panday, and actors Rohit Saraf and Aparshakti Khurrana were among those who commented on the post.
‘Call Me Bae’ is produced by Karan Johar’s Dharmatic Entertainment
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