Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor opened up about their mother Sridevi’s death in the latest episode of ‘Koffee With Karan’ Season 8. During the show, Janhvi revealed that she received the news through a phone call at home and rushed to Khushi, who had been crying. Khushi's tears ceased as soon as she saw Janhvi, and she offered comfort, a memory that still moves Janhvi to tears.
‘When I got the call, I was in my room and I could hear wailing from Khushi’s room. I think I barged into her room, hauling and crying but what I do remember is she looked at me and the minute she looked at me, she just stopped crying. She just sat next to me and started comforting me and I’ve never seen her cry about it since,’ Janhvi said.
Khushi acknowledged that she recognized the need to stay strong for the family, saying, ‘I felt like I had to hold it together for everyone because I feel like I’ve always been the strong one.’
In the episode, Janhvi disclosed that Khushi possesses similarities with Sridevi, especially in their approach to work.
‘She is very quiet person and I think that is one thing she has in common with Mumma. But in front of the camera, she just explodes,’ she said.
Sridevi died in February 2018 while she was in Dubai for her husband Boney Kapoor's nephew, Arjun Marwah's wedding. The cause was determined to be an accidental drowning, shocking the nation. During this challenging period, Janhvi and Khushi received support from their half-siblings, Arjun Kapoor and Anshula Kapoor.
Kapoor sisters work front
Janhvi Kapoor will next be seen in ‘Devara’ with Jr NTR and Saif Ali Khan. She also has ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ in the pipeline.
Khushi Kapoor was last seen in the Netflix film ‘The Archies’, directed by Zoya Akhtar.
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