Bollywood is currently under the scanner of Enforcement Directorate in connection to the Mahadev online betting case and now Kangana Ranaut has opened up on being approached by Mahadev app's promoters for endorsement worth crores.
Kangana’s post
Kangana took to her Instagram stories and shared that she said no to associating with Mahadev app time and again. She shared a screenshot of a news article on Bollywood celebs that are under ED lens on Saturday and wrote, “This endorsement came to me almost six times over a span of one year, every time they added several crores to the offer to buy me, but I said no each time. Look, integrity is not just for your conscience anymore. Yeh naya Bharat hai, sudhar jao nahi toh sudhar diye jaoge (This is the new Bharat, improve or you will be forced to improve).”
Celebrities under ED scanner
Currently Ranbir Kapoor and Sonakshi Sinha, are on ED’s radar for their alleged connection with the online betting App. Ranbir Kapoor was summoned to appear before ED on October 6 but the actor urged the probing agency for two weeks’ time.
What is the App all about?
The Mahadev app enabled illegal betting on various online games like poker, card games, chance games, badminton, tennis, football and cricket. It is owned by Dubai-based businessmen Saurabh and Ravi Uppal. Betting is legal in Dubai whereas in India it is illegal.