Karan Johar has penned a sweet birthday note for Salman Khan on his 58th birthday. The filmmaker also expressed his gratitude towards the superstar for doing the role in ‘Kuch Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ when several stars rejected it.
KJo shared a photo of Salman from the film and wrote, “25 years ago I was at a party lost and confused…. A massive movie star came upto me and asked me why I was standing by a corner … I told him I had been to several actors for a part but was politely rejected … the superstars sister is close to me so he graciously said she had spoken highly of my script and that I should meet him the next day to narrate the film to him… In my wildest dreams I never imagined I would even get the opportunity of a narration."
Karan shared how he went with a prayer in his heart and hoped for a miracle as his first film depended on it. The filmmaker looked at him at the interval point and added, “I said but ‘you are in the second half. you haven’t heard it?'”
“He said ‘I love your father and my sister will kill me if I don’t do this movie’ and that’s how Salman Khan was in KKHH …. I am deeply grateful to Alvira and my father’s goodwill for making sure I had the perfect Aman and SALMAN KHAN in my debut film! Gestures and stories like this just don’t happen today! Happy birthday Salman ! So much love and respect for you always …Also 25 years later we will finally have a story to tell again… not saying any more than that happy happy birthday ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.”
Fans have wished Salman in the comments section.