Filmmaker-actor Kangana Ranaut lauded Deepika Padukone for her appearance at Oscars 2023 as a presenter. Appreciating the 'Piku' actor, Kangana tweeted, 'How beautiful @deepikapadukone looks, not easy to stand there holding the entire nation together, carrying its image, reputation on those delicate shoulders and speaking so graciously and confidently.'
She added, 'Deepika stands tall as a testimony to the fact that Indian women are the best,' along with red heart and national flag emojis.
A few years back Kangana took an indirect dig at Deepika over her depression. In 2020, on World Mental Health Day, Kangana asked her fans to watch her film, ‘Judgementall Hai Kya’. She tweeted, ‘The film that we made for Mental Health awareness was dragged to the court by those who run depression ki dukan, after media ban, name of the film was changed just before the release causing marketing complications but it’s a good film, do watch it today.’
Alia Bhatt also appreciated Deepika on Instagram stories. Sharing a picture of Deepika from the event, she called her beauty.
At the Oscars, Deepika introduced the 'Naatu Naatu' musical performance by Kaala Bhairava and Rahul Sipligunj and described the song as a ‘banger’.
Also Watch| Oscars 2023: Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra, Kangana Ranaut & others react to 'RRR's 'Naatu Naatu' win