Ayan Mukerji’s ‘Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani’ turned 10 on May 31, 2023. To celebrate this special day, the director hosted a get-together at his residence. Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Kalki Koechlin, and Aditya Roy Kapur, were part of the celebrations along with filmmaker Karan Johar and fashion designer Manish Malhotra.
Sharing pictures on Instagram, Ayan simply wrote, ‘last night’.
On May 31, the director had penned a note for his ‘second child’, a piece of his heart and soul, on Instagram. In his note, he said that making this movie was ‘one of the greatest joys’ of his life.
Ayan said, ‘Strangely, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani fully from beginning to end, since the day it released … (Always pushing towards the next milestone, and not looking back enough…!) But when I’m older and wiser - I think I will watch the movie atleast once a year - because a big part of who I was and how I looked at life - is forever captured in this movie !’
The director added, ‘In the recent months, I have often had people recognise me and come up to me… and I’m thinking they will say something about Brahmāstra, and then they started talking about YJHD ! So, putting out a whole lot of gratitude for Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani… and all the many people who connected deeply with the movie over the years ! Also sharing a Director’s Note I had written at the time, in my story which someone special from my team shared with me a few days ago… and it brought back all kinds of memories for me! Yup :)’
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