Veteran actor Zeenat Aman, who made her Bollywood breakthrough with Dev Anand's 'Hare Rama Hare Krishna', has shared the story of how she got her first big break in the industry in her recent Instagram post. She revealed that in the 1970s she planned to move to Malta with her mother and stepfather but it was at that time she met the legendary actor and his team who were casting for the film. She mentioned she was called in for a screen test after the meeting and that's how she bagged the role of Jasbir. She further stated that Dev Anand persuaded them to delay their travels and they instead flew to Kathmandu to shoot for the film ‘Hare Ram Hare Krishna'.
‘When entering an industry like Bollywood, every actor hopes for a starmaker. Someone who sees the glimmer of potential and ambition that has perhaps only been visible to the self thus far. Very few are so lucky as to find this person, but I was. My starmaker was Dev saab. It was 1970, and I think O P Ralhan was feeling quite sorry for me. He had given me a bit part in Hulchul, it had made little impact, and I was already packing my bags to relocate to Malta with my mother and stepfather. Dev Saab and his Navketan team were casting for Hare Rama Hare Krishna at the time. In his largesse, O P Ralhan suggested that they meet me. I vividly remember what I wore that day. A fitted yellow top, a fawn-coloured skirt and glasses with yellow frames. My mother was at the meeting (remember, I was still in my teens). So she held forth, while I spoke when spoken to, and packed tobacco into my pipe. The meeting concluded, and a few days later the landline jangled. I was asked to come for a screen test, and that is how I came to be cast as Jasbir/Janice,’ she wrote.
Dev Anand also promised Zeenat to quickly edit and release the movie. The film turned out to be a huge hit, making Zeenat a star and indefinitely postponing her immigration plans.
‘Oh, but the saga doesn’t end here. My family was ready to depart the country, but Dev saab persuaded my mother and I to delay our travels. So instead we flew to Kathmandu, stayed at the famous Soaltee Hotel, and waited long days to be called to set to shoot! I was frothing at the bit by the time it was finally time for my scenes. The first of which was a bus sequence. It makes me laugh to watch it now because I know I’m practically spitting out my lines in my impatience to prove myself! In those days it took much longer to make a film from start to finish. Two or three years even. My mother and I once again prepared to leave Mumbai, and yet again Dev Saab persuaded us to stay. He promised to edit quickly and get the movie into the cinemas. Sure enough, the film released, it became a huge hit, and I became a star. My immigration plans were now indefinitely postponed, and Dev Saab started writing another script with me in mind…,’ she concluded.
As soon as Zeenat Aman shared the post, celebrities flooded the comment section. Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap wrote, ‘Love this story .. and thanks to Dev Saab for a lot of people he brought into this industry, and for you.’
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