BJP MP (Retd.) Gen VK Singh has decided not to contest the 2024 Lok Sabha election. Taking to social media X, the Army veteran on 24th March said that he wants to dedicate his energy and time in new directions where he can serve the country in a different way.
He did not exactly specify his future role.
Singh joined the BJP in 2014 after his retirement from the military and was twice elected as MP from the Ghaziabad constituency of Uttar Pradesh.
"I have dedicated my entire life to the service of this nation as a soldier. For the last 10 years, I have worked tirelessly to fulfill the dream of making Ghaziabad a world-class city. In this journey, I am grateful for the trust and love that I have received from the people of the country and Ghaziabad as well as from the members of the BJP. This emotional bond is priceless to me," he said on X.
"With these feelings, I have made a difficult, but thoughtful decision. I will not contest the 2024 elections. This decision was not easy for me, but I have taken it from the bottom of my heart. I want to take my energy and time in new directions, where I can serve my country in a different way."
"I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being your companions on this journey. Your love, support and faith have always inspired me. Going forward, I will continue my service towards the country and all the citizens, just in a new form."
Meanwhile, industrialist and former Congress MP Naveen Jindal has joined the saffron party. On social media X, Jindal thanked the party leadership and former prime minister Manmohan Singh in his resignation note.
“I represented Congress Party in Parliament as MP from Kurukshetra for 10 years. I thank the Congress leadership and the then Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. Today I am resigning from the primary membership of the Congress Party," he tweeted on Sunday evening.