Goa Police on Thursday booked two persons in connection with the death of BJP leader Sonali Phogat after a post-mortem report mentioned that there were "multiple blunt force injuries" on her body.
The report stated that there are multiple blunt force injuries over the body, which makes the manner of death, a matter for the investigating officer to ascertain.
The police has pressed murder charges against Phogat's two associates, Sudhir Sagwan and Sukhwinder Wasi, who had her to Goa on August 22.
Her brother Rinku Dhaka had filed a complaint against the two men at Anjuna Police Station on Wednesday.
The autopsy was earlier scheduled on Wednesday, but Phogat's brother claimed she was murdered by two of her associates and the family would agree to autopsy only after an FIR was registered against them.
Sonali Phogat, who hailed from Hisar in Haryana and found fame on TikTok, was brought dead to the St Anthony Hospital in Anjuna in North Goa district on August 23 morning. The cause was given as a suspected heart attack.
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