The Pune Police crime branch has detained a 24-year-old man named Prashant Patil for issuing a death threat to senior NCP leader and Maharashtra Minister Chhagan Bhujbal who was recently inducted into the Eknath Shinde-led cabinet, an official said on July, 11.
On July, 10 night the accused called Bhujbals’s personal assistant and claimed to have gotten ‘supari’ (contract) to kill the minister. A formal complaint was filed by Bhujbal’s PA. "An offence was registered against the person and during the investigation, his location was traced to Mahad in neighbouring Raigad district," the police official said. The police detained the man from Mahad. In the preliminary investigation it has been found that under the influence of alcohol, Patil made the death threat. Bhujbal along with eight other NCP MLAs including Ajit Pawar, joined the government on July 2.