Prime Minister Narendra Modi will make his debut on the podcast series People By WTF, hosted by Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath. The teaser for the upcoming episode, which has sparked considerable buzz online, features a candid conversation between the two. In the trailer, Kamath expresses his nervousness about speaking with the Prime Minister, admitting, "It's a tough conversation for me," to which PM Modi humorously replies, "I don’t know how it’ll go with your audience."
Kamath has shared that the episode aims to explore parallels between politics and entrepreneurship, discussing subjects like the state of the world amid ongoing conflicts and Modi's early speeches as Gujarat Chief Minister. The Prime Minister also acknowledges past mistakes, saying, "I am human, not a God."
In a notable moment, Kamath asked the Prime Minister about changing people's ingrained belief that politics is a "dirty game." PM Modi's response highlighted that if people truly believed in the change they seek, such assumptions wouldn’t exist.
The exact release date for this highly anticipated episode remains unannounced, though the teaser has already generated excitement, with fans eager to hear insights from the Prime Minister in this new format. This will be PM Modi's first appearance in a podcast, though he has previously hosted Mann Ki Baat and appeared in various TV interviews.
The trailer has already captivated the audience, with reactions expressing enthusiasm about hearing PM Modi's thoughts in an informal, unfiltered setting.