One of India's most wanted fugitive businessman Mehul Choksi has been buying protection in Antigua by bribing a string of officials according to investigations conducted by Kenneth Rijock, a renowned financial crimes investigator. Rijock made shocking revelations in a news article on Blogger against Mehul Choksi's bribery and conspiracy in Antigua, where officials are interfering with Interpol's efforts to detain him for extradition to India.
He said that Choksi has been scheming to illegally extend the court process in Antigua, by paying bribes to government officials, including senior Antigua police official, Adonis Henry.
Multiple witnesses report that Choksi and Inspector Henry have been meeting at least three times a day at Al Porto, a Jolly Harbor restaurant reportedly owned by Choksi, wrote Rijock in his financial crime blog. Choksi not only reached out to Henry but also tried to influence Antigua magistrate Conliffe Clarke through illegal payments.
Also watch: Fugitive businessman Mehul Choksi fears he may be kidnapped again
Choksi has corruptly influenced Clarke, through illegal payments, made purely for dilatory purposes, to indefinitely delay his pending extradition, wrote Rijock in his blog post.