A day after switching sides with the BJP, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Monday filed a no-confidence motion to remove Assembly Speaker and RJD leader Awadh Bihari Choudhary.
According to the Hindustan Times newspaper, the removal notice was submitted before the Bihar Assembly Secretary by BJP leader Nand Kishore Yadav.
“I have served the notice, as the speaker, as per norms and established practice, has to be from the ruling dispensation. If the speaker resigns on his own, it is fine. Otherwise, it will be taken up for discussion after 14 days. It is as per procedure," Yadav was quoted as saying.
Though no name has been officially proposed to replace Choudhary, various media reports claimed that Yadav's name was being propped up for the post.
Nitish Kumar took oath as Bihar's chief minister on Sunday for the record ninth time after ditching its 'Mahagathbandhan' partner the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD).
On the same day, BJP leaders Samrat Chaoudhary and Vijay Sinha were sworn in as the Deputy chief ministers of the state.
The budget session of the assembly is expected to commence on February 5 with Governor Rajendra Arlekar's joint address.