Skincare has become an essential regime of our daily life and we are now aware of basic rules like always taking off our makeup before bed, washing our face, following the night care routine and using sunscreen. But, what if we tell you that your part of taking care of skin does not end there; because when you head to bed, the fabric of your pillow also plays a pivotal role in it.
According to experts, silk pillowcases are better for your skin. Dr Michael Jacobs, Medical Technology Director at Cortina said that there is less friction between the skincare and the pillow reducing skin break outs.
The experts also say that silk absorbs less moisture than cotton or microfiber, so it won't suck the hydration or night products from the skin overnight.
Dermatologists also recommend using a silk sleeping eye mask as it can significantly reduce the formation of wrinkles by protecting the most delicate part of the skin.