Namilia recently presented its Spring/Summer '24 collection at the Berlin Fashion Week. The runway show was titled "In Loving Memory of My Sugar Daddy."
Speaking of the collection, models were seen wearing replicas of the high-end luxury bag Hermes. The designer turned Birkin bags into skirts, tops and dresses. Another highlight of the show was oversized bags and phrases written on them or the outfits.
The collection also featured outfits designed from sheer fabrics, faux leather, animal fur and the Jesus cut-out, take a look!
Namilia was founded in 2015 by Berlin-based designers Nan Li and Emilia Pfoh. The duo’s first collection, “My Pussy, My Choice” was selected for VFiles Runway in October 2015. New York and the fashion world loved the collection and they soon graced the pages of celebrated fashion magazines and blogs.
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