Shah Rukh Khan has jetted off to Switzerland and his airport look has caught the attention of netizens. The actor looked dapper in his airport attire, however what stole the limelight was his ₹7 lakhs Hermes HAC backpack. Here are some more deets.
Shah Rukh Khan took a flight to Switzerland on August 9. He is reportedly heading to the Locarno Film Festival 2024 to receive the career achievement award in Switzerland. For his airport look, the actor picked up baggy denim jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of sunglasses.
He completed the look with a cross-body backpack, which goes perfectly with the jacket. The bag is a rare Hermès HAC a Dos PM backpack, which costs approximately ₹6,92,573!
For the uninitiated, before Birkin became a trend, Hermès HAC had all the craze. The piece owned by SRK is a miniature, reportedly designed as a homage to the classic HAC large tote backpack. It is in fauve Barenia leather in tan colour.
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