We all enjoy eating mangoes in summer but sometimes get tricked by artificially ripened ones. Here are some helpful tips for you to easily identify the ones which were ripened on trees and the ones with the help of chemicals.
- Eating artificially ripened mangoes can cause burning sensation in your mouth or might cause abdominal pain, diarrhoea and throat irritation
- Chemically ripened mangoes are less juicy whereas naturally ripened ones are juicier.
- Chemical ones have yellow and green colour blend patches while, a consistent mixture of green and yellow are seen on organically matured mangoes.
- When put in a bucket full of water, the chemical mangoes will float and the natural ones will drown.
- Always lightly press mangoes while purchasing; if it's soft then it has ripened on the tree and if it feels hard it might have been injected with chemicals.
Also watch: Know why Ayurveda suggests soaking mangoes in water 2-3 hours before being consumed