After canceling full stops, thumbs up, and a couple of emojis, now Zoomers colloquially known as Generation Z (Gen Z) want to cancel scrolling phones with the index finger.
A recent poll conducted by the makers of the Candy Crush game, revealed that 80 per cent of Gen Z and 65 per cent of millennials prefer scrolling their smartphones with their thumbs.
The survey found that while 73 per cent of baby boomers, (born between 1946-1964) still uses their index finger to scroll through their devices, whereas 40 per cent of Zoomers felt self-conscious using their index finger to scroll or play games on their devices in public spaces.
To distance themselves from baby boomers, GenZ and Millenials are opting for the thumb-scrolling trend.
Also watch: Gen Z wants to cancel thumbs up emoji. Know why